Negative Space Still-Life

A collection of white shapes against a solid black background. The shapes include a book, a small round fan with a cord, and a pineapple. The small round fan and pineapple are stacked on top of the book, so the shapes blend together to create one larger shape.

This drawing was done of a still-life of a pineapple, small round fan (with a cord hanging off of the side), and a water bottle sitting on top of a book. Because all of the objects are placed near each other, the negative space style of the drawing makes them appear to be one large object. To create this drawing, I set up the still-life and did a rough sketch of the objects before carefully outlining the existing exterior lines of the objects. I then filled in the negative space with compressed charcoal to “black-out” the negative space of the scene. The most prominent concept in this drawing is negative and positive space, but aspects of basic shapes were also used to create the final product.

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