Still Life 1

Charcoal drawing with white sketch paper background. Consists of a teapot, 2 glass bottles and a pear. It is oriented vertically.

This was one of the first drawings done with value. This drawing focuses on basic shapes, shading, proportion and scale of the still life. I began this drawing by making basic shape outlines for each outline. For example, I drew 2 different sized circles and connected them to form the pear. While learning and practicing shading, I wanted my objects to appear more realistic and have more of a three-dimensional form. I struggled shading this because the tea kettle is metal, so is a reflective surface, and the 2 glass bottles in the background were clear – all of which were hard to see shadows on. I also had trouble keeping the drawing from smudging and all the lines running together and having the forms losing some of their clarity. Looking at it now I believe the value should have been pushed further to resemble life. The object shapes also aren’t all correct.

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