Post #2 here we go

Black and white drawing a metal cube, 2 sets of chopsticks and a shot glass. The objects are left white with horizontal and vertical lin
Metal cube, chopsticks and shot glass represented with crosshatching and negative space shading

Cross hatching & Negative space

In this drawing the process of crosshatching and the emphasis of Negative space is used. Cross hatching is where lines are used to represent the shape of an object more, similar to Longitude and Latitude lines on a globe. Negative space is the gap between objects that create their own unique shapes.
In this piece I drew objects around my room emphasizing on their 3 dimensional shape as well as the 2 dimensional shapes created by the gaps between them.

Vine Charcoal Drawing

This is a sketch of someone I drew from my Drawing I class. Vine charcoal is the main medium; A circle was the main basic for the skull and an oval for the the flesh of the face.

#art #drawing #vinecharcoal #sketch #draft
Basic Shapes and Form

Sketching this way was particularly difficult in that I usually don’t draw base shapes when starting a new piece.

Still life w/ Value


This is a black,white, and grey drawing of ; a milk carton, a funnel, drapes, and other objects in an effort to practice different values of color.
value shape still life

The process and concepts of this drawing involves gesture drawing and Value shapes. Gesture drawing is drawing quickly multiple times so the average of the drawings equal the shape that I want to make, and value shapes requires using different colors and values from white to black to create the shape instead of relying on lines.
My process was really to focus on one area at a time and make the drawing and go back through again one area at a time and fix any proportion mistakes until I was ok with how it looked.
