Contour Line: Hand Studies

This drawing  piece demonstrates the concept of coordinating contour lines into a realistic form art. The first thing I did was place my right hand in front of me and drew a basic form (quick sketch) of my hand and fingers. Then, from that sketch I went into more detail of the shape of my fingers, nails, and the signs I formed. Finally, I used the concept of contour lines as a form of creating texture within each hand shown as: creases and  cracks throughout my hand.
- 2H drawing pencil
- White Plastic Eraser
- Drawing Paper Pad
This drawing piece demonstrates the concept of coordinating contour lines into a realistic form art. The first thing I did was place my right hand in front of me and drew a basic form (quick sketch) of my hand and fingers. Then, from that sketch I went into more detail of the shape of my fingers, nails, and the signs I formed. Finally, I used the concept of contour lines as a form of creating texture within each hand shown as: creases and cracks throughout my hand.

2H drawing pencil
White Plastic Eraser
Drawing Paper Pad

Hand Contour Drawings

Ten contour line drawings of hands in various poses, including a finger pointing up, and a thumbs up.

This is a set of hand contour drawings I did when we were studying contour lines. My main focus was attempting to get a variety of “poses”, which I modeled on my left hand. I tried to avoid doing typical gestures to make it easier to draw from sight, and not from memory. I think I was mostly successful in this.

It was a little tricky, however, as it’s more difficult to correct mistakes in contour line without losing detail, and it’s additionally difficult to do detail in general.

I feel I did better with the smaller hands, as they look better proportioned.
