Graphite Value Still Life

This here is a still life drawing I did in my Drawing I course. Graphite was the main medium; a viewfinder was also used to make sure the objects were proportional.

I actually don’t like this one as much as my vine charcoal drawing I uploaded because I can tell some areas were rushed. The hardest thing for me was sketching things out as quickly as I could before going back and shading.

Reductive Value Drawing

This drawing is a still life reductive value drawing – I was to completely cover the page in vine charcoal and erase from it to form the picture.

I absolutely hated this one because I was highly frustrated getting charcoal everywhere and not being able to have it come out the way I would have like. The most challenged part was going back in and trying to darken and lighten certain areas to make it look like the still life presented in front of me.

Charcoal Still Life

This is a charcoal drawing of a spray bottle, next to a small, white bowl on top of a rectangular foam block. Bellow the foam block is a sea shell with a fake bone next to the shell.

A charcoal drawing done with charcoal and blending. This was my first time working with charcoal in this way and I tried my best to capture what I was seeing. I first covered the paper completely in charcoal. I then blended and outlined with charcoal and an eraser as necessary as well as blending with my fingers just a bit. I tried to limit using my hands and fingers as the oils from fingers and hands can make erasing and correcting more difficult in the long run. I also included a blending chart in the corner for reference. I tried to blend and shade based on what I was seeing in the still life itself as well as making the outlines dark but not so dark that it wasn’t realistic.

I am hoping to improve over time and I realize it’s not a perfect drawing. However, it is a first attempt and it is not expected to be perfect on the first try.

Vine Charcoal Drawing

This is a sketch of someone I drew from my Drawing I class. Vine charcoal is the main medium; A circle was the main basic for the skull and an oval for the the flesh of the face.

#art #drawing #vinecharcoal #sketch #draft
Basic Shapes and Form

Sketching this way was particularly difficult in that I usually don’t draw base shapes when starting a new piece.
