Graphite Value Still Life

This here is a still life drawing I did in my Drawing I course. Graphite was the main medium; a viewfinder was also used to make sure the objects were proportional.

I actually don’t like this one as much as my vine charcoal drawing I uploaded because I can tell some areas were rushed. The hardest thing for me was sketching things out as quickly as I could before going back and shading.

Reductive Value Drawing

This drawing is a still life reductive value drawing – I was to completely cover the page in vine charcoal and erase from it to form the picture.

I absolutely hated this one because I was highly frustrated getting charcoal everywhere and not being able to have it come out the way I would have like. The most challenged part was going back in and trying to darken and lighten certain areas to make it look like the still life presented in front of me.

Hands on my Feet

This artwork is not a still life but rather pictures of hands and feet most of which mine that I have drawn. I covered the details in my hands ranging from any cuts, scars or knuckles all the way to simple wrinkles and even fingerprints in some cases. In each drawing on a hand or foot I made sure they are always in different positions when drawn so it doesn’t get repetitive.
