Cross Hatch Still Life

A still life of a round bag, garlic, two books, a ball, a candle holder, dropper bottle, and mug. All cross-hatched for dimension and value.

I drew this still life of various objects from my room by first sketching out basic forms. I drew the objects on top of these basic forms and corrected them as I saw appropriate, using sighting and measuring techniques. Finally, as I decided that the forms were correct, I added cross-hatching to add dimension and inform the shape of the objects. I used vine charcoal and conte crayon for the basic shape and form of the objects, and finalized them with a graphite pencil.

Still life w/ Value


This is a black,white, and grey drawing of ; a milk carton, a funnel, drapes, and other objects in an effort to practice different values of color.
value shape still life

The process and concepts of this drawing involves gesture drawing and Value shapes. Gesture drawing is drawing quickly multiple times so the average of the drawings equal the shape that I want to make, and value shapes requires using different colors and values from white to black to create the shape instead of relying on lines.
My process was really to focus on one area at a time and make the drawing and go back through again one area at a time and fix any proportion mistakes until I was ok with how it looked.
