Country Park: Hikes and Trees


Hey everyone, I’m back! Today we are going to get a little personal and talk about my favorite memory of the park, as well as favorite spot in it. I went on a hike and had a picnic with some of my best friends, who I have known for almost 3 years. We ventured into the woods initially to take some pictures of ourselves but instead were intrigued by the many new spots we discovered. Eventually, we found ourselves in beautiful place that was shaped like a circle with many logs around. For almost an hour, we sat around and talked, laughed, listening to the natural sounds around us. Afterwards, we went on another hike in some of the trails within the park surrounding the large lake. Some of the species of plants we noticed were oak trees, loblolly pine trees, bermuda grass (scutch grass), and centipede grass (Eremochloa ophiuroids). They ranged in size and color, with the trees being tall and towering over us, and the grass being soft, delicate, and long.

Hiking through the grass and various trees with my people

An Unusual Discovery

As we were walking around, my friends and I noticed a large, bent over, and broken tree. It was perched overtop another tree and a few bushes, looking like a ramp into the lake. I was immediately captivated by this place, as exhibited in the picture below. The broken tree was an oak tree, overtop many common green shrubs. I sat on the branch and listened to the chirps of the birds, the slow swishes of the wind, and the light splashes in the water of the lake. These combined made a stress-free, soothing, and natural noise; it was hard to compare to anything I have ever heard. Already knowing this was a spot I would return to, I made sure to take a picture of my surroundings to remember where to come to. “The spot” seemed like the perfect place to bring a book or homework and sit perched upon or near the tree listening to the natural sounds and be able to feel motivated and productive.


As I said previously, the tree was an ordinary oak tree, but it had a thick trunk and small thin branches hanging around the area from being bent. Around the edges of the tree, there were many pointy pieces, one I actually scraped my leg on. Also, the beautiful green leaves were scattered across the ground making for a nice layer across the mud that was not covered in soft grass. Even though the tree was broken and away from its herd of trees surrounding it, it still seemed connected to them as it provided a gap in the trees to allow direct sunlight to pass through and hit the lake. The sun intertwined each piece of the park creating a unique aura around Country Park.

A broken, but strong tree

Recently, the Greensboro weather has been rainy and gloomy, causing the environment to be at a low. Hopefully, the weather will become sunny and warm again so I can go on another exploration in the park.

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