Never Enough Trees

In my opinion, the largest part of nature are the trees and many plants you witness around you. So, today I have stopped by to talk about a few more trees I found in Country Park.

A version of a white flowering dogwood
Photo taken by me

The white flowering dogwood was located deep within the biking trail throughout Country Park. When I first noticed the dogwood, I was slightly confused because the branches were shrill and thin and there were very little white flowers blooming. Around Guilford College campus, I notice a few dogwoods here and there, and I remember David Petri pointing some out during our nature walk. However, this was different from any other dogwood I had ever seen which made it very special. I have been down these trails so many time but have not paid as much attention to the natural beauty around me until I began to write these blog posts. The sun hit the tree perfectly at this time of day, presenting it as the perfect place to sit near and study, read, or relax and listen to music. I walked up closer to observe this flowering tree and noticed a bee pollinating one of the flowers in the tree. With my fear of bees, I quickly scurried away, but I knew in the back of my mind I would come back to this spot again in the future.

Oak tree
Photo taken by me

The next tree I saw was an oak tree. Oak trees are very common to the southeastern United States, and you all are probably used to seeing so many of these all over Greensboro. What stuck out to me about this particular tree is how it is located in a bunch of emptiness and amidst a bunch of sidewalks taking away from its natural essence. Along with that, I saw a few squirrels run up the trunk of the tree into the leaves of trees, from an outsiders point of view, making them seem like they got lost within all the leaves and branches of the oak. I think about how people running around on these sidewalks and screaming can disturb the squirrel’s silent homes. Trees within the forest have such a loud silence that any slight noise bounces away. This oak tree presents itself as a decoration for the park, rather than a home and valuable addition to natural creatures and the rest of the natural world.

Conifer pine tree
Photo taken by me

This last tree is a conifer pine tree. I was very fascinated by the blur effect the leaves and conifers the trees produced. This was like art. Most of the pine trees I had seen in Country Park were Loblolly pine trees; however, witnessing a different type was an amazing change to the usual. The bark was spiny and bumpy, which gave it a satisfying feeling. Also, the tree was surrounded by many pine cones, which made sense since it is a pine tree. In a previous post, I focused on these conifers and the pines cones that this tree also produced.

Thank you for stopping by today. I look forward to bring you more memories from Country Park!

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