Asheville Town Mountain Preserve

High Flying Birds

Bird watchers beware, Asheville is home to plenty of different birds so its good to keep an eye out as well as a pair of binoculars ready. Up the in trees or down bobbing up and down on the ground, you’ll come across a wide array of flying friends, especially up in the mountains.

Jonathan Eckerson,

When you’re up in the mountains, keep an eye in the sky and you might catch a glimpse of a red tailed hawk, with its distinct light red back feathers, or perhaps even an eagle soaring overhead, searching for prey. Chances are, if you can see them, they can see you as well. As they scout the ground from up above, you’ll have a good chance to snap a few photos of the majestic birds and their great wide wingspan. Both eagles and the red tailed hawks make nests high up in the trees so keep an eye out for large nests, as you might just see a bird of prey returning from the hunt.

Don Danko,

Looking down at the ground or on some smaller bushes, shrubbery, or trees you might observe a few Carolina Wrens. The plump little birds have a tail that just as long as its short little body and is often stuck up. They’re often given away by their high-pitched chirp. Similarly, other small birds such as eastern blue birds and Carolina Chickadees may also be hopping around in the same areas as the wrens.

You’ll spot these in your backyard but not nearly in as many numbers as you will out in the wild. Smaller birds usually prefer to travel in large groups and are much easier to scare of than a larger bird or predator. Even the plump little wrens are surprisingly nimble and quick to hop/fly away

Suzie McCann,

You’re also sure to come across your fair share of colorful birds as well. Sometimes in nature, bright colors can mean danger and intimidation, but in the case of these beautiful Northern Cardinals, there is nothing to fear. They’re brightly colored, whistling little beauties that you’ll most likely spot near a feeder or up on a high branch of a large tree. These birds have poor sight but make up for it in their speed and numbers. The females of this species are often a more tan or brownish color.

Ken Thomas,

Other colorful birds include blue jays, and American goldfinch’s who can be spotted from their bright yellow feathers and small point beaks. Finch are quite small, and can often be mistaken for humming birds because of it. The little birds are often attracted to seeds and feeders very similar to the Northern Cardinal. The female goldfinch will often have distinct white markings as well as a darker colored forehead.

These are just a few examples of some of the prettiest, biggest, and smallest birds to be found around the Mountains of Asheville. Make sure to keep an eye out on your next trip, as you might just run into a goldfinch …or maybe even a red tailed hawk.

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