My Peace

Bog Garden – Greensboro, NC

Bog Garden - January 2021
Greensboro Bog Garden, January 2021 (picture taken by me)

The habitat I chose this semester is the Bog Garden in Greensboro, NC. The Bog Garden is 7 acres wide and was once previously inhabited by the Keyauwee, Sappony, and Shakori tribes.

Wherever I find myself in the world, I like to find spots in nature that give me a peace of mind. Even in the busiest cities, you can find a place that brings you peace, quiet, and relaxation. It is not the same as being back in the country where you’re surrounded by mountains, fields, and rivers. Instead, you must adventure to find local places of greenery.

Bog Garden January 2021 (picture taken by me)

I found myself walking across a long wooden bridge that runs along a creek. The bog garden gives you a hidden sense of magic in the city. A quiet get away. It it is a little hidden jewel.

I stopped by a part in the stream and started writing in my journal I had brought with me. The mini bamboo forest reminded me of back home where my childhood best friend and I enjoyed finding and being in bamboo forests. I think bamboo is eye-catching and something about it brings me nostalgia of being very young and free.

This day happened to be extraordinary because my roommate and I had spotted a pair of cardinals together nearby trees. As they were chirping away a photographer happened to walk past and capture the moment.

My roommate leaned over to me and said that seeing two cardinals are symbols that your guardian angels are near. It was interesting she said that because growing up I always have had cardinals come to my moms bird feeder in our backyard. I have a couple guardian angels who I know will always watch out for me.

After we spent time some time writing in our journals. we walked around through some nature paths. We passed a small stream with a mini waterfall and squirrels running around. The bog garden is known for the 150 ft recirculating waterfall, the first waterfall in Greensboro. The paths also have incorporated manmade bridges, stairways, and benches you can sit on and stop to enjoy the scenery.

We stopped at a circle of big rocks in a circle where people could sit. My roommate and I laid down and looked up at the tree branches. As I laid back I took in the sun for a couple of minutes and let the warmth fill me up.

Recently I read an article on how trees talk to each-other. I have now tried to pay more attention to the trees because there is a lot of energy I feel that comes from them. I like how in the winter the trees lose their leaves, the branches create different linear paths almost like designs in the sky.

I think it’s important to find time out in nature every so often to be able to get fresh air and sunshine. It keeps me somewhat sane in this unruly world.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ K8 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 

3 thoughts on “My Peace”

  1. I have often heard of Greensboro’s bog garden, but until I saw your map I did not know where it was. I wanna go!

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