Herbal Organizations in North Carolina

Below are a few groups that work both inside and outside of North Carolina with medicinal herbalism education and conservation efforts. These are great groups to reach out for additional herbal information, educational programs/training’s on herbalism, and even where to gather seeds or herbal products to incorporate into your daily life.

Community Links – Ignacio Community Library

American Herbalist Guild – This group is dedicated to providing herbal medicine to everyone as well as having educational materials available about those products.  They envision the world being a place where herbal medicine is available to everyone as another option for healthcare. They also open membership to educators, researchers, growers, and apothecaries. This group promotes ecological health as well. https://www.americanherbalistsguild.com/

Appalachian Forest Farmers -This is a collection of forest farm landowners, universities, government, and non- government groups that come together to improve Agro-forestry production. They have online resources and videos about forest farming and in-person training too. Medicinal herbs can be grown in forest farm settings. “Forest farming is an agroforestry practice which cultivates medicinal, edible, decorative and handicraft crops under a forest canopy that is managed to provide shade levels and habitat which favor growth and enhance production. Forest farming supplies marketable non-timber forest products” (Munsell). https://www.appalachianforestfarmers.org/

Herb Society of America, NC Unit– The unit was organized in 1982 to further knowledge about the use of herbs and to share interests and expertise with others across North Carolina. The members of this group range in age and experience. Topics discussed by this group include cooking, horticulture, research, and literature and how it relates to herbs. http://www.ncherbsociety.org/

North Carolina Natural Products Association- This nonprofit association’s main goal is for North Carolina to become a key supplier of natural, plant-based value-added products, including natural medicines, organic products, and personal care products. They educate about the natural products that can be grown within the state and promote that production. This group also sponsors workshops and conferences that deal with supporting safe and effective natural products that are being manufactured in North Carolina. https://www.nc-naturalproducts.org/

NC Herb Association- This association is a commodity group that is advised by NC State University and the NC Department of Agriculture.  Their mission is to promote herbal production through education and research programs. There are members of this group that share their knowledge about growing herbs, research, and sales. This organization is open to everyone in the herbal world from educators to researchers and hobbyists. https://www.ncherbassociation.org/
