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Digital humanities tools

The field of digital humanities (DH) is a field that exists at the "intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines in the humanities" (Wikipedia). While that definition is concise, it doesn't really cover the enormity of the DH field. And because that field is continously growing, the definition of DH is constantly changing. This is both a good and a bad thing.

At DSH we can help you navigate the world of DH and help you decide on the best tools for your project. Please visit the Tools page for a running list of good DH tools.

Geographic and spatial tools

How can we represent information through maps? How can maps represent geographic and social changes? Come think about maps and learn how to use geographic and spatial tools.

Data management and data sharing

Data management plans and data sharing plans detail how data will be collected processed, analyzed, described, preserved, and shared throughout the project's lifecycle (i.e., from inception to archival). DMPTool is a good place to start as it has templates that help you meet the requirements of the funder.

Data analysis and visualization

Data visualization is the representation of data through the use of common graphics, such as charts, plots, infographics, and even animations. The core idea is to communicate complex data relationships and data-driven insights in a way that is easy to understand. In the era of Big Data, data visualization is a very important tool to help people understand the world around them.

Data cleaning and manipulation

Data cleaning is a foundational element of basic data science. In short, it means the process of identifying any incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, irrelevant, or missing parts fo the data and then modifying, replacing, or deleting them according to the necessity. This process will become extremely important as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes both more common and more useful. A basic five-step process for cleaning data can be found at Tableau. A more complicated example can be seen at UC Santa Barbara.